If you have an important question that isn't covered on this website, please send us an email titled "unique question." We’ll add to the below list those questions that are unique and warrant inclusion.
Tourney Categories
Q. You aren't offering boys or co-ed divisions. My team is co-ed, can we play in one of your girls' divisions?
A. No. Our tourneys are exclusively for girls. Teams that include boys will be dropped from the tourney and their team fees will be forfeited. The good news is there are plenty of other tourneys in our region every weekend. It shouldn't be too hard to find an event that's appropriate for your team.
Q. I was hoping to sign up for the girls' 18u division. It's not listed in your shopping cart. Is that division filled?
A. No. We don't offer a girls' 18u division. Most 18u's play in one of the many adult tourneys in our area.
Q. I have two 14U teams I'd like to sign up. But according to your site, that division is filled. What should I do?
A. Many of our divisions fill shortly after registration opens. But the age rules do allow players to play up an age group (but never down). So your teams are welcome to play in the 16U division, assuming space is available and they would be competitive at that level.
Tourney Refund Policy
Q. I understand that fees are non-refundable unless canceled due to extreme weather conditions. When do you make the decision to cancel?
A. Modern technology has enabled us to forecast pretty accurately (we use accuweather). So, if serious storms are predicted we'll cancel by no later than Friday, noontime. We'll send out an email notice to those that have signed up, and we'll post the decision on the home page of this website.
Q. My teammate can't play this Saturday, can I get a refund or transfer it to another date?
A. In general, no. Entry fees are non-refundable, and you can't transfer it to another date. Try your best to find another partner. If you can't, you have two options, lose the fee or transfer the tourney entry ticket to another team.
Having said that, teams that face an emergency and notify us they're dropping out in a timely manner might be able to secure a partial refund. For details, click here. And please read the answer to the following question for details on transferring your entry ticket.
Q. I just found out my team can't play this Saturday - family issues (don't ask). I know there are no refunds, but can I transfer my entry to another team?
A. Yes, entries are transferable for the same date. But a couple of things: the new team must qualify for the specific division you signed up for. So, for example, if you signed up a Girls 16 team, be sure you get a qualified Girls 16 team to replace you. Also, the new team must present the original entry ticket to us on the day of the tourney - that's the name they will be registered under when they check in. So be sure to pass that email entry ticket on to the replacement team.
Q. I understand you want us to supply our own volleyballs. That makes sense, it cuts costs. The problem is, how do we decide which ball to play with?
A. Most players are sophisticated enough to recognize which ball is the best. In the absence of an agreement (let's say each team wants to use their own v-ball), here’s what we suggest, in this order:
1. Agree to use a “neutral” ball, a v-ball supplied by another team in your pool.
2. Agree to use each ball; 1 for the 1st half of the game, the other for the second half.
3. If you still can’t agree, then a game of chance decides which ball to use; and apply the following formula: You'll use one ball for the 1st half of the game, the other for the 2nd half. Winner of the game of chances decides either to take the 13 pt. half, or which half to use their ball.
Q. I haven’t played in Chicago before. I was wondering if the sand gets hot.
A. Yes, on a typical summer day, the sand will get real hot. Protective socks are essential beach equipment. You shouldn't sign up your players if you don't have them. We recommend Vincere sand socks.
Sign-up & Payment Issues
Q. My daughter wants to play in your Four Lakes event in July, but registration doesn't open until the last week in June. Please reserve a spot for us, we'll pay when registration opens.
A. Unfortunately, we don't hold spots for anyone. Some of our venues, like Four Lakes, have only a few courts. To be fair to everyone, the registration date is announced ahead of time. Once open, registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Q. Do we have to be members of an organization like USAV or The AAU?
A. Yes, USAV membership is required.
Q. I'd like to sign up for Girl's 14U, but that division doesn't appear in your shopping cart page.
A. If a division isn't in the shopping cart display section, that means the division is sold out. A notice will soon be posted on that shopping cart display page with clarification.
Q. Your site says our division is sold out. Two questions; first, how's that possible - there's a gazillion courts at N. Ave. Beach? And, second, what do we have to do to get in (we'll pay!)?
A. Some venues are small (ex: Four Lakes has only 10 courts), spots are scarce. And for player satisfaction, we limit the number of teams to 5 per court - any more than 5 and the pool play experience is frustrating. Also, at N Ave Beach we limit the number of pools per division to 8 in order to keep the playoffs manageable and timely.
Entry Ticket Transfer Policy
Q. We need to drop, my teammate can't make it. Can we get a refund.
A. Sorry, but no. In general, team fees are non-refundable. But you could transfer your entry ticket to another team; but that new team must be in the same classification and division. Also, we have a website that explains our transfer and partial refund policy.
Q. Can we get on a wait list or something, just in case a team drops?
A. We don't maintain wait lists. We suggest you check our shopping cart often, just in case a spot arises.
Q. I don't have a teammate; can you find one for me?
A. Unfortunately no, we don't provide that service.
Q. Do you provide seating, such as chairs or bleachers?
A. Unfortunately no, we don't provide that service.
Q. Can you tell me who else is signed up in the 14U division for your tourney next Saturday?
A. Unfortunately no, we don't provide that service.
Q. My daughter's teammate can't show up till 11:30. Is it possible to schedule pool play so our team would have the last match, thus accommodating our schedule?
A. Unfortunately, no. We don't grant special requests. Our guiding philosophy is to treat everyone equally, whether friend or foe (yes, some don't like us), and everyone in between. Our inquiry is a simple one: If we do something for one team, we must offer that opportunity for all. So, if we accommodate your team's scheduling request, we'd have to offer that opportunity to everyone else. That would render our check-in/start time requirements meaningless. As such, we deny all special requests.
Q. Last time my daughter's team played against (name deleted); that team won the tourney. We want to sign up for your next event, but only if you promise that my daughter's pool won't include that team.
A. Sorry, pool designation is determined by random selection. The reason we can't grant your request is stated in the philosophy enunciated in the answer to the above question.
Our one exception to seeding is we try to put teams from the same club in different pools. As long as teams enter their club names (properly), we could effectuate that policy.
Q. Any suggestions for good/cheap parking and hotels near the beach?
A. N Ave Beach has a small, expensive parking lot that fills early. The Lincoln Park Zoo has parking near the beach. And if you become a member, you get free or discounted parking all summer long.
Q. What time does your tourney end? We have a wedding to attend this Sat.
A. We don't know. There's too many factors, such as weather, division size, competitive parity, etc. that effects play. But on an average day, if the tourney starts at 10 am, pool play ends at around 2:00 - 2:30. The playoffs could last awhile.
We suggest that if you can't spend the entire day at the beach, you don't sign up. It's not fair to your kids, or the other participants, for you to pull your players out of competition early.
Q I’m confused. I don’t know what time your tournament starts tomorrow, and I can’t get a response by email. And I can’t reach anyone by phone. Please help.
A. Please note that answers to most questions can be found on our website. Our office is open Mon – Thurs, 9 to 5. Communication is by email. And we only read emails titled, “unique question.” We respond to those questions that are truly unique.
And you shouldn’t be confused. We email entry tickets to those that sign up within 24 hours of their registration; that entry tickets contains a summary of the tourney details. And on Thursday we send out a mass email to all our participants with detailed tourney and check-in instructions.
Now it’s not uncommon for club administrators to register teams. And sometimes they fail to pass on these emails. If you haven’t received the above-mentioned material, contact them.
Please be sure to read the Tourney Details page before signing up